
El Palacio de la Bolsa está situado junto a la Iglesia de San Francisco de Oporto, que formaba parte del Convento de San Francisco, fundado en el siglo XIII. En 1832, durante las Guerras Liberales, un incendio destruyó los claustros del convento, salvando la iglesia. En 1841, la reina María II donó las ruinas del convento a los comerciantes de la ciudad, que decidieron utilizar el lugar para construir la sede de la Asociación Comercial[2].

La estructura general del Palacio se completó en 1850, pero varios detalles arquitectónicos se encargaron posteriormente a los arquitectos Gustavo Adolfo Gonçalves e Sousa (autor de la escalera y del Salón Árabe),[1] Tomás Augusto Soler (cúpula metálica del patio) y Joel da Silva Pereira (Salón del Tribunal), entre otros[2][3].

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El Palácio da Bolsa está situado junto a la Iglesia de San Francisco de Oporto, que formaba parte del Convento de San Francisco, fundado en el siglo XIII. En 1832, durante las Guerras Liberales, un incendio destruyó los claustros del convento, salvando la iglesia. En 1841, la reina María II donó las ruinas del convento a los comerciantes de la ciudad, que decidieron utilizar el lugar para construir la sede de la Asociación Comercial[2].

La estructura general del Palacio se completó en 1850, pero varios detalles arquitectónicos se encargaron posteriormente a los arquitectos Gustavo Adolfo Gonçalves e Sousa (autor de la escalera y del Salón Árabe),[1] Tomás Augusto Soler (cúpula metálica del patio) y Joel da Silva Pereira (Salón del Tribunal), entre otros[2][3].

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The Palácio da Bolsa de Porto, declared a National Monument, is a neoclassical building that was built in 1842, but was not inaugurated until almost half a century later. This place honors the merchants of the city.

This is a very interesting monument and its entrance fee is somewhat high compared to other monuments in the city because their visits are guided. These visits are highly recommended, since they will allow to know interesting information about the place and the history that surrounds it.

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Of neoclassical architecture, the Palacio da Bolsa was the headquarters of the Merchants Association of Porto, who requested its construction in 1842. As it was a time of splendor of commerce in the north of Portugal, this association made sure that its headquarters represented them in all their power.

Therefore, it represents in some way the triumph at the end of the 18th century of the bourgeoisie, the merchants, the export and import of products above (or at least at the same level) as royalty and the church.

Composed of different rooms, the Stock Exchange Palace is famous for the Arab Hall, reminiscent of the Alhambra in Granada, the Courtyard of Nations, the Presidential Hall and the room of the General Assembly.

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Por Sofía Salome

Hola mundo, soy Sofía Salomé copywriter de